Friday 12 November 2010

Cellar Spider

The Cellar Spider is another spider that lives in people’s homes mainly garages, lofts, cellars and sheds. Many people know this spider as the daddy long legs because of its small body and long legs. They are normally around 2-10mm in length and have a leg span of around 50mm in length. Saying so it does have a fierce reputation!
The Cellar Spider eats anything it can get from small insects to woodlice and other Spiders. It has been known to catch and kill Giant House Spiders, Hobo Spiders and the fierce Redback Spider a close relative to the Black widow spider. Unlike most spiders there webs aren’t clean round webs or neat webs in a corner. They build tangled webs that look almost like fluff or old tread hanging from places. Cellar Spiders go on other Spiders webs and mimic the vibrations of the spiders’ prey, when the spider comes close enough the Cellar Spider strikes and kills its prey.  
Many people confuse them with their relatives the Harvestman and the Crane fly. The Difference is that the Crane fly has wings and can fly, it is normally larger and it is an insects, it only has six legs. The Difference with the Harvestman is that it does have eight legs but it is not a spider. It does not spin webs and is normally found outside on logs and other places like sheds and fences.
Predators to this spider are birds such as Magpies, Crows and other small birds. They also get eaten by small mammals, but most of all its Cats. Since like the House Spider both live in the same place they normally cross paths quite allot and when they do the Cat is normally the winner unless if it manages to get away, but the chances of that a re slim.

Crane Fly

Thursday 11 November 2010

Giant House Spider

The House Spider (Tegenaria duellicais) is a large spider that you commonly find in your home at around autumn time. Many people in America mistake it for a Hobo or a Wolf Spider.
But the House Spider is not as poisonous as the other two spiders above, however it does hunt and kill the Hobo Spider.

Some of the Spiders leg span can get up to 6 inches long.
House Spiders of course live in Houses, but are also found in sheds, under logs, bricks and other dry places that are undisturbed from Humans, Cats and Dogs. They are usually found though in garages, Cellars and Lofts. They make their web in a corner and it is shaped like a funnel. When Insects, minibeasts and other spiders walk past they spider comes rushing out of there hole and grabs the prey.

The House Spider is prey to other spiders such as the Cellar Spider (daddy long legs), birds and most of all Cats. Since both Cats and House Spiders live in the same area and cross paths Cats are common predators to the helpless Spider.